dorkbotsf:   dorkbotSF #11


People doing strange things with electricity

Mike McCabe's images

video clips:
Donald Swearingen - Laser Harp (5.4mb mpg)
Mike McCabe - RGB of Firebreathing (14.2mb mpg)

7:30pm Wednesday
10 March 2004

false profit
43 Norfolk Street
San Francisco


Free Admission
any donations to our hosts false profit would be much appreciated

Bring your own food and drink! **********************************************************************

false profit

Collaged images from Cassidy Curtis. Graffiti art by D23 and others:


Donald Swearingen - Sensor-Based Electronic Sound Work

Donald Swearingen will demonstrate and discuss his electronic sound works which employ an array of sensor-based control devices connected to a Macintosh Powerbook computer running the Max/MSP MIDI and sound control language. Swearingen has been actively involved for over ten years in the design and construction of new and innovative musical instruments oriented to the unique environment of electronic music performance. His presentation in the Dorkbot Series will utilize the latest generation of his Signal-to-MIDI (STM) controllers, including the SensePod and LaserHarp.

Composer-Performer Donald Swearingen's career has been a garden of forking paths: from Memphis where he worked as a rock musician with legendary studios Stax and Hi Records; to California, where he designed software systems for LucasFilm/THX, Telenetworks, Fujitsu, National Semiconductor, Octel, NET, and others; to San Francisco, where he has established himself as an original and vital member of the Bay Area new music community; and to points beyond, touring, lecturing, and performing throughout the US and internationally. Along the way, he has picked up advanced degrees in music and mathematics.

Swearingen.s work has been presented in the San Francisco Bay Area at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Cowell Theatre, A Traveling Jewish Theatre, Life on the Water, the Tech Museum of Innovation, the Lab, ODC Performance Gallery, Studio 4, Artists Television Access, Koncepts Gallery, and Laney College. He was a founder and featured performer of the first annual San Francisco Electronic Music Festival, at Cell Space in May 2000. Swearingen also performs regularly as a member of the collective sensorChip, along with Miya Masaoka and Pamela Z. Since 1990, he has been a regular consultant to LucasFilm/THX, and is the software architect and programmer of the THX R2 Acoustical Analyzer. Under his own name and as Specimen 23, DS has released several collections of recorded works on audio CD.

Sasha Harris-Cronin - Implicating Interfaces: User Interaction and Social Critique

Interaction can be more than just a way of delivering content, but an essential part of content itself. Using interface, an artist can implicate the user, creating an experience where a user is forced to say, "I did this."

Sasha has done theatre almost as long as she's been an activist. Her undergrad was spent at Wesleyan University in CT and she got her graduate degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU. There, she combined her theatre background with technology, creating Interactive video installations with political overtones. Here in SF, she works for BBI Engineering, making interactive museum installations and corporate AV systems. In December, Sasha had an installation entitled "First Person" at Artist's Television Access and her piece "You're Flying!" shows no signs of ever leaving Zeum Children's Museum . She is also opening four installations in the lobby of the SF Federal Reserve. (She is fully aware that her soul is sublet to the devil.)

Mike McCabe - Strontium and Everclear

Mike McCabe will demonstrate the results of his research into breathing fire with pyrotechnic colorants. After months of research into LD50s, chronic toxicity and setting stuff on fire, he has a broad palette of colors and effects to contribute to the art of breathing fire.

Mike is a founding member of Cataclysmic Megashear Ranchtronix, where he's been working to combine fire, color and nightlights

Many thanks to Adam Megacz of false profit for hosting this month's dorkbot.

If you would like to speak at a future dorkbotsf, please contact Karen Marcelo

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