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Images from dorkbotSF tour of SLAC (Stanford Linear Aceclerator) with Greg Leyh - maker of world's largest tesla coil.
Images from VonGuard
7:30pm Wednesday
Free Admission but donations to our hosts very much appreciated!
![]() rxGallery |
Simnuke Team - Simnuke ProjectOn July 16, 1945 at 05:29:45 local time (Mountain War Time), a team of scientists reached the culmination of the Manhattan Project, the first test of a nuclear weapon. The event was code-named "Trinity".On July 16, 2005, at 05:29:45 local time, we - a team of artists and engineers - will commemorate the 60-year anniversary of Trinity by simulating the look and feel of the detonation of a nuclear device. To do this, we are building what is possibly the world's largest flame creating machine. A gallery show July 28 - August 9 in San Francisco will accompany this event. Artists working in a variety of mediums will delve into the implications of the atomic weapons that have pervaded our lives for the last 60 years. Additionally, we will plant 60 trees in Los Alamos, New Mexico as a lasting and healing memorial grove.
The growing Simnuke Team is comprised of 15 artists and engineers including
two Ph.D.'s, pyrotechnicians, metal smiths, and more.
Heather Dewey-Hagborg - BugsBugs is an experiment in collective robotics. Drawing from theories of swarm intelligence, Bugs aims to explore emergent behavior in a physically embodied system. Based on the pheromone based organization of slime mold and ants as well as the coordinated light shows of fireflies, Bugs agents are able to communicate and coordinate stigmergically, through modification of their shared environment. Bugs will appear in person along with Lighter Than Air, an autonomous flying ![]() Discuss heather dewy-hagborg - bugs
Violet Blue - Teledildonics Now (with LIVE DEMONSTRATION!)"Teledildonics" refers to sexual encounters via a web interface; the term has become a catchall for anything from virtual reality suits to remote-controlled vibrators. Despite numerous attempts including wetsuits and suction cups, mysterious black boxes and hundreds of thousands of dollars, even the most notorious gold diggers in the sex/tech field can't get the masses to jack in and jack off -- until recently. Author Violet Blue has been following the ebb and flow of interest and innovation in the field of teledildonics for several years, and tonight she'll present an updated history filled with irony, fascination, humor, terror and dismay. There will be an interactive lecture with visuals, hands-on demonstrations, and audience members will be able to "drive" The Thrillhammer machine currently housed in New York's Museum of Sex, and watch the results via live webcam. This presentation is adults only. Visit The Thrillhammer at ![]() Discuss Violet Blue | Teledildonics Now (with Live Demonstration) Many thanks to rxGallery (Monika and Wil) for hosting this month's dorkbot.