dorkbotsf:   dorkbotSF #17:   bios


People doing strange things with electricity

7:30pm Wednesday
26 July 2006

414 Jessie (@ 5th and Mission)
San Francisco, CA

Joel Slayton
Joel Slayton is Director of the CADRE Laboratory for New Media, an interdisciplinary academic program in the School of Art and Design at San Jose State University. Joel Slayton is President and founder of C5 Corporation. C5 is a hybrid form of authorship intersecting research, corporate culture and artistic enterprise. Current projects involve data visualization and interaction with the landscape using location based media. Joel Slayton's artworks have been featured in exhibitions internationally. His site performance works include DoWhatDo, Conduits, The Chemistry of Fear, Landscape Painting as Counter Surveillance of Area 51, Rocket Launch at Panamint Wash and The Wedding Game. Joel's artworks engage with a wide range of media technology including information mapping, networks and interactive visualization. Joel Slayton was an original member of the Visible Language Workshop at MIT in the mid 1970's, has received a National Endowment for the Arts award and was selected for the Xerox Parc Pair Artists in Residence Program.

Professor Slayton is Chair of ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge and the 13th International Symposium on Electronic Art. He is the Executive Editor of SWITCH, CADRE's on-line journal of new media discourse and practice. From 1999 to 2006 he was Editor and Chief of the Leonardo-MIT Press Book Series. Professor Slayton.s research explores social software, cooperation models and network ontology. Papers include Social Software; Entailment Mesh, The Re=Purpose of Information, and The Ontology of Organization as System.

He has been awarded a 3 year Australia Council Fellowship. In 1997 he was appointed Honorary Professor of Art and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. In 2002 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate and was artist-in-residence in the Faculty of Art and Design, Monash University, Caulfield. In 2003 and 2004 he was a Visiting Artist in the Art and Technology Department at Ohio State University. He is currently Visiting Professor, School of Art and Design at The Nottingham Trent University. He has been awarded a New Media Arts Fellowship by the Australia Council for 2005-2007. His art is represented by the Sherman Galleries in Sydney.

Oron Catts
Oron Catts is an artist, researcher, and a curator. He is Co-Founder and Artistic Director of SymbioticA - The Art & Science Collaborative Research Laboratory at The School of Anatomy & Human Biology, University of Western Australia. His pioneering research is in wet biology art practices and in particular the use of living tissue from complex organisms. He co-founded the Tissue Culture and Art Project (TC&A) in 1996 and was a Research Fellow at The Tissue Engineering & Organ Fabrication Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School (2000-2001). Catts has exhibited and published internationally. He curated the Biofeel exhibition and The Aesthetics of Care? Symposium, BEAP 2002 and co-curated the BioDifferences exhibition and conference, BEAP 2004. He is trained in product design (BA Hon), and Visual Art (MA)

Eric Paulos
Eric Paulos is a Research Scientist at Intel in Berkeley, California where he leads the Urban Atmospheres (http://www.urban- project â challenged to use provocative methods to understand the future fabric of our emerging digital and wireless urban landscape. Eric received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley where he researched scientific, and social issues surrounding internet based telepresence, robotics, and mediated communication tools. Eric has developed several internet based tele-operated robots including, Mechanical Gaze in 1995 and Personal Roving Presence devices (PRoPs) such as Space Browsing helium filled tele-operated blimps and ground based PRoP systems (1995-2000) ( Eric is also the chair of the Interactive City theme at ISEA2006.