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$10 or more if you can, this is a special fundraising dorkbot for Todd Blair who was in an accident in Amsterdam right after the SRL show. Todd is in a coma right now and he and his family need all the help and support they can get. We are trying to raise as much money as we can. Many of you know him as a SRL comrade and the sparkling facilitator behind many technology based creative artworks and exhibitions over the years. CASH BAR 21+ bartended by SRL bartender of many years Pete Macomber! Auction (growing list of items and services for auction here) Bring cash or your checkbooks (no credit cards please -we're not set up for it) Catering by Food Hacker Marc Powell
Video from James Young of Mark Pauline on Todd's contributions and involvement in SRL |
Ken Goldberg - Robots As Environmentalists: Searching for the Ivory Billed Woodpecker using Robotic Observatories for Natural EnvironmentsThe Ivory Billed Woodpecker is a magnificent creature, believed to be extinct, that is of great interest to birdwatchers, ornithologists, and conservationists. The last confirmed U.S. sighting was in the 1940s. In January 2004, a potential sighting occurred in the Bayou DeView wildlife refuge in Arkansas, prompting comprehensive and systematic search led by researchers at Cornell University.Our lab at Berkeley is developing a high resolution robotic video system to observe the sky from the ground over an extended time period. I'll present this and new results on robots collaboratively controlled by humans via networks such as the Internet. Working with the Cornell Ornithology Lab, we're building a new class of hybrid teleoperated/autonomous robotic "observatories" that allow groups of scientists, via the internet, to remotely observe, record, and index detailed animal activity. Such observatories are made possible by emerging advances in robotic cameras, long-range wireless networking, and distributed sensors. Ken Goldberg is Professor of IEOR and EECS at UC Berkeley. His research addresses robot manipulation, geometric algorithms for automation, and networked robots. More information and online projects are linked from
Eric Paulos - Citizen ScienceMobile technology is with us and is indeed allowing us to communicate, buy, sell, connect, and do miraculous things. However, it.s time for this technology to empower us to go beyond finding friends, chatting with colleagues, locating hip bars, and buying music. We need to shatter our preconceptions of our mobile phone as simply a communication tool and celebrate them in their new role as personal measurement instruments capable of sensing our natural environment and empowering collective action through everyday grassroots citizen science across blocks, neighborhoods, cities, and nations. Our goal is to provide our mobile devices with new superpowers and .super-senses. by outfitting them with novel sensors and providing an infrastructure for public sharing and remixing of these personal sensor measurements by experts and non-experts alike.Eric Paulos is a Senior Research Scientist at Intel in Berkeley, California where he is the founder and director of the Urban Atmospheres research group - challenged to employ innovative methods to explore urban life and the future fabric of emerging technologies across public urban landscapes. His areas of expertise span a deep body of research territory in urban computing, social telepresence, robotics, physical computing, interaction design, persuasive technologies, and intimate media. Eric is a leading figure in the field of urban computing and is a regular contributor, editorial board member, and reviewer for numerous professional journals and conferences. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley where he helped launch a new robotic industry by developing some of the first internet tele-operated robots including Space Browsing helium filled blimps and Personal Roving Presence devices (PRoPs).
Eric is also the founder and director of the Experimental Interaction Unit and a frequent collaborator with Mark Pauline of Survival Research Laboratories. Eric's work has been exhibited at the InterCommunication Center (ICC) in Japan, Ars Electronica, ISEA, SIGGRAPH, the Dutch Electronic Art Festival (DEAF), SFMOMA, the Chelsea Art Museum, Art Interactive, LA MOCA, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the ZKM, and a performance for the opening of the Whitney Museum.s 1997 Biennial Exhibition.
Mark Pauline - Survival Research LabsSurvival Research Laboratories was conceived of and founded by Mark Pauline in November 1978. Since its inception SRL has operated as an organization of creative technicians dedicated to re-directing the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations in practicality, product or warfare. Since 1979, SRL has staged over 45 mechanized presentations in the United States and Europe. Each performance consists of a unique set of ritualized interactions between machines, robots, and special effects devices, employed in developing themes of socio-political satire. Humans are present only as audience or operators.
Joe Grand - Fifteen Art Projects in Fifteen MinutesJoe Grand has never considered himself much of an artist, but has been told "we're all artists in our own way". He just happens to like modifying electronics, turning unused technology into pretty looking things, and calling it "art." Joe will attempt to spend one minute each discussing fifteen of his favorite electronics-turned-art projects and hope that something of his will inspire somebody, somewhere, to do something cool."Goofy, high-strung, some may say neurotic," answers Joe Grand when asked to describe himself. He grew up in Boston and was a member of the legendary hacker collective L0pht Heavy Industries under his nom de hack, Kingpin.
Involved in electronics since the age of 7, Joe works on secret projects
for his company, Grand Idea Studio, and is an electrical engineer and
hardware hacker. He is the author of two books, on the technical
advisory board of MAKE Magazine, and is a co-host of an upcoming show
for Discovery Channel.
Steven Lassovszky - Airplane GPS/Telemetry Video
monochrom -
Many thanks to our DONORS: boingboing   TCHO   Kyle Minor   MAKE:   Karen Marcelo   Eric Paulos   David Calkins and Simone Davalos In addition to our amazing presenters we will also be holding an auction. Several cool books, souveneirs, gadgets, and services from well-respected experts in our dorkbot/SRL community will be available to bid on. A complete list will be forthcoming. We will have a Paypal station handy but in case of bad connectivity, please bring your checkbooks. I would like to come through for Todd Blair as he's always been there to facilitate so many tech-art events in the past. Thanks in advance! Please mail Karen Marcelo (dorkbotSF [at] dorkbot [dot] org) if you would like to know how you can help more for Todd and this event.
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