Images and Video
8:00pm - 2:00am Saturday
20 June 2009
2600 Magnolia @ 26th
West Oakland, CA
$10 DONATION to our host Jon Sarriugarte much appreciated.
Twin 15 Foot Tesla Coils just to light a lightbulb!
Golden Mean, Marriage Wrecker and Muffin Art Cars!
Tasty Food by Nick & Kiva
Beer by Lagunitas
Spark Bar hosted by Amy and Brian
Boiler Bar! Fire Gardens! LIVE ELECTROCUTIONS by the 1928 Hogan Device!
Complete information and presenter bios on our host Jon Sarriugarte's 7 Year Dorkbot Anniversary Party blog post here!
Special 7 Year Anniversary Meeting and PARTY!
Keith Johnson and Greg Solberg - Building Electric Cars from Scratch
Keith and Greg will show how to bake an electric cupcake, the Tesla Roadster, and the Marriage Wrecker
Jon Sarriugarte - Giant Iron Snail Car, Golden Mean, 1928 Hogan Tesla Coil, Power Tool Drag Racing, Volt-Aged Whiskey
Pick one of those topics and Jon our host will talk about it!
Mike Winter - Interrogation by Robot
Recently Mike created robots that hug, laugh, interrogate, party, make up stories, remove free will and buy beer. Currently he is working on Artificial Personality projects. He will be talking about interrogation by robot, there will be a short video.
Omega Recoil - Wireless Transmission: How Did Nikola Tesla Do It?
In the late 1800s Nikola Tesla began experimenting with transmitting power wirelessly via the earth's crust and the ionosphere. He invented what we now know as the Tesla Coil; this device was capable of generating extremely high voltages, and was the pre-curser to radio transmission. What was Tesla doing? How was he doing it? Does wireless power work? The Omega Recoil team have been re-creating some of Tesla's wireless power experiments, with interesting results.
Omega Recoil's presentation will include videos of their Tesla Coils running and power being transmitted wirelessly.
Please mail Karen Marcelo (dorkbotSF [at] dorkbot [dot] org) if you would like to open dork (10-15 min mini-presentation)