
dorkbot san francisco

People doing strange things with electricity

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Nov 16 2022

Virtual dorkbotSF

Thank you to DB Crew: MC Jon Foote and James Young

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dorkbotSF Zoom Mtg Nov 16 2022

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Chat log with speaker links etc.

George C Hall - Zoetrope Renaissance

The question of "Why do the Movies Move?" has long been discussed. One element, the Palisade Illusion documented in 1825 by Peter M Roget, has been neglected and misunderstood, but vividly comes to life in the Zoetrope. Retinal retention cannot be avoided, but “persistence of vision” has been overused as a convenient answer to this complex question. The Spectral Image that the Palisade "Illusion" creates in the Zoetrope can be seen from any point of view and works with just one eye open. This comes about as the result of the refraction of light by the rotating slots or shutters, aka Palisade, of the Zoetrope drum, as the images being viewed move and converge. As RPM ratios change, the 3-D spectral image changes, but in jumps or leaps, and not in a linear fashion. The behavior is similar to that of a Vortex Street or the Vortex shedding created by the convergence of two types of energy. The Roget Palisade "Illusion" is actually the effect of light being bent, and deserves study as such.

As "Professor Hall - Wizard of Zoetropes", George has extensively researched, restored and built, Pre-Cinema and Motion Picture equipment, especially the Zoetrope. Experiments in micro-tonality include Vogel cut crystals tracking the motion of pendulums by triggering MIDI notes. The Zoetrope is used to observe patterns of musical frequencies with lasers and led’s, as well as to investigate Mandalas created by other artists and in nature, such as Crop Circles.

Roget Mandalatrope.pdf

Steve diPaola - Exploring Emergent Creative AI Systems for Art, Health, Social Good and Design

Steve DiPaola, known to be both a practising artist and a leading AI research scientist, will deep dive the audience into all aspects of AI used in Art, Design and Social Good. The growth of NLP (AI for speech and language) and growth in GAN/diffusion systems (AI for generative visuals including 3d, video and VR) are combining into new emergent ideation systems with great ethical issues on one side and significant creativity/entrepreneurial opportunities on the other. DiPaola will discuss and demonstrate many examples of these new systems and their applications in health, education, art, entertainment and design.

Dr. Steve DiPaola (researcher at SFU, before that Stanford) is a pioneer in computational creativity exploring the marriage of cognitive science and artificial intelligence-based modelling, with applications in e-health, education, and the arts. His expertise conjoins neuroscience, & AI with human mechanisms of creativity, expression, and empathy. He does this to build foundational cognitive theories on how humans create, express, have empathy, creating new forms of computational, social, and artistic artifacts. His fine artwork has been exhibited at major museums including the MOMA, Tate and Whitney. As a cognitive based AI scientist, he has over 100 scientific papers including his AI systems that emulate fully talking, perceiving, empathetic 3D chatbot characters.

research site:
art work site:
Book: AI and Cognitive Virtual Characters

Alex Glo aka Merlin - iPad to KiCad - A Workflow for Art PCBs

Create arcane tech without cursing at your cursor – now you can use your tablet to draw art for your circuit boards! Alex walks through her workflow and shows some examples, including an Ouija-inspired ESP programmer, a Joule Thief circuit to suck the life out of nearly-dead batteries, and an LED-ified guitar pick (plus more!).

Alex is the lead Hardware Nerd at, hosting weekly tech intros and interviews about open source electronics. Her favorite projects are a song that orbited the earth (with custom music notation), her Ouija planchette PCB for programming the ESP8266 (also an earring), and her companion robots (including Archimedes the AI owl). See also:, a directory-in-progress of resources for people who want to build hardware with less harm.

Project link:
DIY Electronics and More




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